Max Bupa Health Insurance


Max Bupa Health Insurance, now rebranded as Niva Bupa, is one of India’s leading health insurance providers. It stands out for its wide range of health plans, high customer satisfaction, and innovative features aimed at providing comprehensive healthcare coverage. Whether you are an individual, a family, or a senior citizen, Max Bupa has tailored solutions to meet diverse healthcare needs.


Founded in 2008 as a joint venture between Max India Limited and Bupa, a UK-based international healthcare group, Max Bupa has rapidly gained a reputation for reliability and quality. In 2021, the company rebranded itself as Niva Bupa, continuing its mission to make health insurance accessible and user-friendly for all.

Key Features and Offerings

  1. Wide Range of Plans
    • Max Bupa offers a variety of health insurance plans catering to individuals, families, senior citizens, and corporate employees. These plans are designed to cover a broad spectrum of medical expenses, ensuring financial security during health emergencies.
  2. High Claim Settlement Ratio
    • One of the hallmarks of Max Bupa is its high claim settlement ratio. This reflects the company’s efficiency in processing claims and its commitment to ensuring that policyholders receive the financial support they need promptly.
  3. Cashless Hospital Network
    • Max Bupa boasts an extensive network of over 5,000 cashless hospitals across India. This allows policyholders to avail of cashless treatment at these hospitals, easing the financial burden during medical emergencies and ensuring seamless access to quality healthcare services.
  4. Customer-Centric Services
    • The company places a strong emphasis on customer satisfaction, providing a user-friendly digital platform for easy policy management, claims submission, and tracking. Their 24/7 customer support ensures that policyholders can get assistance whenever needed.
  5. Innovative Features
    • Max Bupa’s health insurance plans come with several innovative features such as coverage for daycare procedures, domiciliary hospitalization, maternity benefits, and wellness programs. Additionally, many plans offer health check-ups and no-claim bonuses, enhancing the overall value for policyholders.

Popular Health Insurance Plans

  • Health Companion Plan: This is a comprehensive plan that covers hospitalization expenses, pre- and post-hospitalization, daycare treatments, and more. It also includes options for individual and family floater policies, making it a versatile choice for many customers.
  • ReAssure Plan: Known for its unique feature of unlimited reinstatement of the sum insured, this plan ensures continuous protection throughout the policy year. It also offers coverage for modern treatments and high-value claims, providing extensive financial protection.
  • Heartbeat Health Insurance Plan: This plan is designed to offer holistic coverage, including international treatment options, maternity benefits, and new-born baby cover. It caters to individuals, families, and even extended families, ensuring comprehensive healthcare coverage.

Why Choose Max Bupa Health Insurance?

  1. Comprehensive Coverage: Max Bupa’s plans offer extensive coverage options, ensuring that policyholders are well-protected against a wide range of medical expenses.
  2. Reliability and Trust: With a high claim settlement ratio and a robust network of cashless hospitals, Max Bupa is a reliable choice for health insurance.
  3. Customer Focus: The company’s focus on customer satisfaction, evident through its user-friendly digital platforms and dedicated customer support, enhances the overall experience for policyholders.
  4. Value-Added Services: Innovative features and additional benefits such as wellness programs and maternity cover add significant value to their health insurance plans.


Max Bupa Health Insurance, now Niva Bupa, has established itself as a leader in the health insurance industry in India through its commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. Whether you are looking for a plan to cover your family, seeking extensive coverage for critical illnesses, or needing protection during international travel, Max Bupa offers a range of options designed to meet diverse needs. With its strong network of hospitals, high claim settlement ratio, and customer-centric approach, Max Bupa Health Insurance continues to be a preferred choice for many Indians seeking reliable health coverage.

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